Let (G,∗),(H,∘) be two groups. Let (g1,h1)⋆(g2,h2)=(g1∗g2,h1∘h2), then (G×H,⋆) is a group. G×H called direct product of G and H.
The direct product of any cyclic groups is cyclic ⟺ the order of their groups are coprime, in other words, G,H are cyclic groups ⟹G⊕H is cyclic if and only if 1=gcd(∣G∣,∣H∣)
Followed Corollary:
- G1⊕⋯⊕Gn is cyclic ⟺ 1=gcd(∣G1∣,…,∣Gn∣)
- m=n1⋯nk, Zm≅Zn1⊕⋯⊕Znk ⟺ ni are pairwise coprime
- m=n1⋯nk, U(m)≅U(n1)⊕⋯⊕U(nk) ⟺ ni are pairwise coprime
- Uk(m)≅Uk(n1)⊕⋯⊕Uk(nk) ⟺ ni are pairwise coprime
External direct products
Let G1,…,Gn be groups. We define external direct product of Gi where written as G1⊕⋯⊕Gn is the set of all n-tuples (g1,…,gn), gi∈Gi and the operation is componentwise. (e.g R2=R⊕R)
- identity of this group is (e1,…,en), ei is the identity of Gi
- inverse of this group is (g1,…,gn)−1=(g1−1,…,gn−1)
- ∀(g1,…,gn)∈G1⊕⋯⊕Gn,∣(g1,…,gn)∣=lcm(∣g1∣,…,∣gn∣) (i.e. lcm(∣g1∣,…,∣gn∣)=k, then (g1k,…,gnk)=(e1,…,en))
Let G1,G2 be finite groups
- ∣G1×G2∣=∣G1∣∣G2∣
- G1 and G2 are abelian ⟹G1×G2 is abelian
- ∀g1∈G1,g2∈G2,oG1×G2((g1,g2))=lcm(∣g1∣,∣g2∣)
- Z(G1×G2)≅Z(G1)×Z(G2)
Every group of order p2 where p is a prime number is isomorphic to Zp⊕Zp or Zp2
It leads the Corollary:
- If G is a group of order p2, where p is a prime number, then G is Abelian.
Internal direct products
Let G be a group with expression G=H×K. If H and K are normal subgroups of G, then G is called internal direct product of H and K. We write G=HK with H∩K={e}.
We can extend this, where, let H1,…,Hn be normal subgroups of G, G is the internal direct product of H1,…,Hn if G=H1×⋯×Hn with Hi∩Hj={e} for all i=j (also (H1H2⋯Hi)∩Hi+1={e})
If G is the internal direct product of H1,…,Hn, then G≅H1⊕⋯⊕Hn (i.e. the external direct product of H1,…,Hn)